NIGHT OWL Exerciser? There are PERKS…

By now most of us have recognized that there ARE real true “morning people”…and then there are those of us who will just NEVER be morning people no matter HOW HARD WE TRY!  And there actually IS a scientific / biological basis for this difference in people (that we don’t need to get into here). […]

BUFF UP like BATMAN – What did Ben REALLY do?

To BUILD HIMSELF into the IDEAL BATMAN PHYSIQUE, Ben Affleck really had to focus on both his PHYSICAL TRAINING + DIET.   He needed to create an overall athletic physique, not just big muscles.  Filming for the role was also physically challenging, which meant Ben had to have excellent cardio endurance to make it thru all those […]

NEW TV Show ‘Kid Kulinaire’ makes Healthy Foods FUN for Kids!

VERTEX Foods is proud to announce our support of Kid Kulinaire + their mission to help make healthy eating FUN for kids! This past weekend the Kid Kulinaire team shot the pilot episode for their new TV series down in Orlando, FL, and as an official sponsor VERTEX Foods’ products were used in one of the […]

12 Beauty, Health + Anti-Aging Benefits of Cleansing

So what’s all this BUZZ about DETOXING + CLEANSING?  Is it REALLY that great?  Will it help me lose weight…make my skin glow…make me healthier?!?  Why am I doing this again… With SO much information available on the internet now, sometimes it can be difficult to not get lost while sifting through all the material on […]

DROP the DONUTS! 5 Healthy Snacking Options for Work

Don’t do it – DROP the DONUT!  Step AWAY from the vending machine.  LEAVE the cinnamon rolls in the break room!!   While most of us know what we SHOULD eat…far too often we find ourselves not only faced with temptation, but vulnerable because quite frankly we are STARVING!!  It’s like the saying goes, “Failing to […]