Over 50? The 3 Diet Hacks that Halle Berry follows to look FLAWLESS over age 50

In addition to following a keto diet, drinking bone broth for her overall glow, and keeping up with a killer workout routine, the actress recently revealed in her #FitnessFriday Instagram Stories that she also does a form of intermittent fasting. “I normally eat two meals a day,” Halle revealed in a Q+A session to her social media followers. “I normally skip […]
The Importance of Brain Optimization for the Executive Type

I wanted to write this article based off a few reasons. One of those is because a colleague of mine recently had the world’s most credentialed strength and conditioning coach come to speak to all the executives and employees of a very large organization. This main topic was on brain optimization and how to increase […]
Excerpt from “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time”

The Body: Physical Energy Our program begins by focusing on physical energy. It is scarcely news that inadequate nutrition, exercise, sleep, and rest diminish people’s basic energy levels, as well as their ability to manage their emotions and focus their attention. Nonetheless, many executives don’t find ways to practice consistently healthy behaviors, given all the […]
WHAT…Eat Cheese, Steak + Beef Jerky to BOOST your Metabolism

YES IT’S TRUE!! These foods that many people consider “BAD” or “OFF LIMITS” when trying to watch your weight can actually be BENEFICIAL to keeping your waistline trim. Your taste buds will be so happy too! Cheese You will read conflicting views on the consumption of cheese and other dairy products, but studies show that […]
Bradley Cooper ate 6,000 Calories per day to BUFF UP for his role

To prep for his role as Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle in the blockbuster movie American Sniper, Bradley Cooper took his physical transformation very seriously! Packing on 40 pounds of muscle, Cooper tells Men’s Health he consumed an insane 6,000 calories a day — and had to be force-fed! — while getting into character. “I had […]
BUFF UP like BATMAN – What did Ben REALLY do?

To BUILD HIMSELF into the IDEAL BATMAN PHYSIQUE, Ben Affleck really had to focus on both his PHYSICAL TRAINING + DIET. He needed to create an overall athletic physique, not just big muscles. Filming for the role was also physically challenging, which meant Ben had to have excellent cardio endurance to make it thru all those […]
Do these 5 Things Every Day to Lose Weight without Trying

Add these 5 easy tricks into your daily routine to shed pounds fast and keep them off for good! It’s all about the HABITS…and here are a few that you can painlessly integrate into your already BUSY day to help your pants feel looser around your waistline seemingly EFFORTLESSLY! 1. Think “CROWD OUT” vs. “CUT OUT” […]
5 #DietHacks for Bikini Abs in No Time!

1. SNACK at this “Magic Hour” Try eating a snack that contains PROTEIN between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Go for a protein shake or bar, a piece of low-fat cheese like string cheese, or some almonds paired with an organic apple. No matter what, do not miss that snack. It’s important because it boosts metabolism and balances […]