6 Classic Halloween Candies that won’t SCARE your SCALE!

Who said Halloween Candy was just for the KIDS?! Even though “candy” is not exactly synonymous with “diet”…there are still ways to TREAT YOURSELF, while not causing a SCARE when you get on the SCALE. Just take our advice on the smartest snacking choices + don’t turn the Halloween Candy into a 2 month chocolate celebration! […]
#modelseatcookies . . . WHAT?!

Up + Coming SuperModel TAYLOR M. – on location in MEXICO shooting for top fashion magazine ANDREA. Munching on her PUSH PROTEIN PEANUT BUTTER COOKIE. “I ABSOLUTELY LOVE these peanut butter cookies – OMG they are SOOO GOOD! I definitely snack on them while I’m on location all day long. Of course they’re so […]
DROP the DONUTS! 5 Healthy Snacking Options for Work

Don’t do it – DROP the DONUT! Step AWAY from the vending machine. LEAVE the cinnamon rolls in the break room!! While most of us know what we SHOULD eat…far too often we find ourselves not only faced with temptation, but vulnerable because quite frankly we are STARVING!! It’s like the saying goes, “Failing to […]