NEW TV Show ‘Kid Kulinaire’ makes Healthy Foods FUN for Kids!

VERTEX Foods is proud to announce our support of Kid Kulinaire + their mission to help make healthy eating FUN for kids! This past weekend the Kid Kulinaire team shot the pilot episode for their new TV series down in Orlando, FL, and as an official sponsor VERTEX Foods' products were used in one of the healthy Protein Power Wrap recipes prepared on the show, as well as to keep the Cast + Crew well fueled (and happy) while they worked. [caption id="attachment_933" align="alignright" width="185"] FUELED UP + ready to GO! Chef Brian with his PROTEIN 26 Atomic Chocolate shake + Protein Power Wrap (also made with PROTEIN 26).[/caption] We sent star + creator of the show, Chef Brian, our best selling PROTEIN 26 Shakes to sample in Atomic Chocolate + Butterfinger Booyah! flavors, along with…
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