How STRESS can Spike or Kill your APPETITE

Stress impacts our bodies in numerous ways, from tension headaches to trouble sleeping. It also affects our APPETITE! On some nights before a big test or work presentation, we can go through a bag of Cheetos or a pint of Ben & Jerry’s in no time. But in other nerve-wracking situations, we lose our appetite […]
NEW TV Show ‘Kid Kulinaire’ makes Healthy Foods FUN for Kids!
VERTEX Foods is proud to announce our support of Kid Kulinaire + their mission to help make healthy eating FUN for kids! This past weekend the Kid Kulinaire team shot the pilot episode for their new TV series down in Orlando, FL, and as an official sponsor VERTEX Foods’ products were used in one of the […]

Looking for a FAST + DELICIOUS but still HEALTHY meal you can throw together, then throw on the stove for a few minutes, and have it come off looking like you’re the next star on the Food Network… Here’s one you can whip up in a jiffy to impress your friends, boyfriend…or just YOURSELF! Feel free […]
3 Easy Ways to BEAT the BLOAT!

It’s 2pm…you’re sitting in an important team meeting for the rest of the afternoon…suddenly your stomach starts to gurgle and your pants are feeling tight around the waistline… OH NO! SOMETHING you ate for lunch just caught up with you in the worst way! Feeling bloated and gassy is an unpleasant experience that can be prevented in a […]
Don’t Miss these 5 Core Daily Nutrition Needs

For most of us, in our busy days we have countless important things to remember and endless “to-do” lists that just seem to keep growing… But we still want to make sure we keep our nutrition on point to promote a health heart, mind, body and skeletal system, as well as boost the immune system […]