Gain a MAJOR Power Edge with Breakfast

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day! This first meal of the day has been proved to be linked to many health benefits, such as… Energy: breakfast gives your brain and body the fuel to start functioning properly Brain enhancer: Breakfast is shown to help you improve your memory and […]

Wake Up, Head Out, + Eat Protein On-the-Go or at the Office

Throughout my executive and entrepreneurial career, I have found that the need for high levels of energy is crucial to success and a key way to boost energy and control weight as well as improve health by leaps and bounds is by consistently eating an energy infused breakfast. Whether its pushing through a tough day […]

Personal Portion Sized Freezer-Friendly Baked Oatmeal Cups

PLUS they’re gluten free + diabetic friendly! Here’s a FAST SOLUTION for that constant question of “WHAT DO I EAT??” – these healthy + filling baked oatmeal cups are the perfect SNACK SOLUTION to a busy morning or after-school madness.  Perfect for the WHOLE FAMILY!   Ingredients: 3 eggs 1 Tablespoons vanilla extract 1 cup unsweetened […]

V-FIT tip: Start your day with one of the TOP 5 BREAKFAST Foods for Busy Pros

1. Raspberries A cup of raspberries delivers a whopping 8 grams of fiber (that’s more than double what’s in a cup of strawberries and about the same amount in a cup of some types of beans). What’s so great about all that fiber? Recent research in the Journal of Nutritionsuggests eating more fiber as a way […]