Latest Celebrity Diet Trends of Beyonce, Posh + more

How do red carpet denizens like Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé and Victoria Beckham ward off weight gain? With the health industry’s latest guarantees, of course. See which diets trends are working for the hottest celebrity bodies. 22 DAYS DIET Beyoncé made headlines back in December when she went vegan for 22 days, following the fitness plan of […]
Can SQUATS actually be your Fastest Route to a 6-Pack?

Generally, when people think of getting their abs in shape they assume they need to start doing endless amounts of CRUNCHES! WRONG!! One of the main jobs of the ABDOMINAL CORE MUSCLE GROUP is to act as a stabilizer for the trunk, helping to support the entire frame while the person is squatting, lifting, or just […]