3 Easy Ways to BEAT the BLOAT!

3 Easy Ways to BEAT the BLOAT!

It's 2pm...you're sitting in an important team meeting for the rest of the afternoon...suddenly your stomach starts to gurgle and your pants are feeling tight around the waistline... OH NO!  SOMETHING you ate for lunch just caught up with you in the worst way!  Feeling bloated and gassy is an unpleasant experience that can be prevented in a number of simple ways. Beat the bloat and stop that horrible feeling of gassiness with these simple steps. Examine Which Foods Might Contribute While it might seem that feeling bloated happens at random times, it’s important to try and look for patterns. Often difficulty digesting certain food types can contribute to a feeling of being bloated by increasing gas production in the intestines. Dairy is the classic and common example that many people are still not aware of.…
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