A Beer Brand that Improves Appearance + Slows Aging?!
Can this new beer really deliver the fountain of youth?? There’s a new trending belief in Japan that orally consuming collagen, a protein found in connective tissues, can make your skin more beautiful. As humans age, the body’s supply of collagen is reduced, which is one of reasons why wrinkles might appear. Many Japanese women buy collagen-rich […]
3 Amazing At-Home Face Masks made from Coconut Oil

If you haven’t already jumped on the #trending COCONUT OIL CRAZE, YOU NEED TO! In addition to spreading it on your morning toast, mixing it in your coffee, and using it for cooking / baking, coconut oil offers a plethora of ALL-NATURAL BEAUTY BENEFITS that just can’t be beat! Here are 3 quick + effective do-it-yourself beauty masks […]