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A former print model and beauty queen, Mary Jo had watched her weight most of her life. But when she and her husband had to reorganize their business to save it, the mounting stress and working long hours day in and day out caught up with her and before she knew it she had gained over 50 lbs!
“I didn’t even know what to do with myself…it was like all of a sudden one day I woke up and realized that none of my clothes fit anymore, and I hardly even recognized myself in the mirror. My husband had gained weight also, and I knew that the stress and weight gain was not healthy for either of us. If I didn’t make a change soon it was only going to get worse!”
The first thing Mary Jo did was hire a personal trainer to help her and her husband with their diet and exercise habits. He had them start using the PROTEIN 26 Shakes as meal replacements, for breakfast and as an afternoon snack. In addition, they started walking daily and working out with light weights a few times per week. Within the first 2 weeks Mary Jo had lost 7 lbs and her husband had lost nearly 13! They were feeling so much better and had more energy, and knew they were on the right track!
While working towards her weight loss goal, Mary Jo did a 2 Day JUMPSTART SPEEDLOSS Cleanse about once a month to help accelerate her weight loss and keep her metabolism high, and her body healthy and cleansed. Now as a part of her maintenance plan and for the anti-aging benefits, she still completes a cleanse about every 3 months.
“I LOVE how easy the JUMPSTART SPEEDLOSS Cleanse is to use. It’s only 2 days and I just follow the instructions and eat and drink what’s in the kit – I don’t have to think about it. And it WORKS!”
BIGGEST STRUGGLE: finding the time to exercise…and saying NO to unhealthy snacks when I’m up late working
FAVORITE PRODUCT: the PROTEIN 26 Shakes taste awesome and are my breakfast every morning…but I really love the PUSH Protein Peanut Butter cookies!
BEST PART OF LOSING WEIGHT: everyone says I look years younger now + that’s always good!