Do these 5 Things Every Day to Lose Weight without Trying

Do these 5 Things Every Day to Lose Weight without Trying

Add these 5 easy tricks into your daily routine to shed pounds fast and keep them off for good!  It's all about the HABITS...and here are a few that you can painlessly integrate into your already BUSY day to help your pants feel looser around your waistline seemingly EFFORTLESSLY! 1.  Think "CROWD OUT" vs. "CUT OUT" Instead of a strict diet that tells you all the things NOT to eat, here's an easier way to think about it: CROWD OUT with the BEST FOOD CHOICES instead of CUT OUT. Essentially, you focus on what to do vs. what not to do by slowly working good habits into your routine. After time, you’re eating and drinking so many healthy things that you don’t have room for the bad stuff. (Wellll maybe there's still a little…
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5 #DietHacks for Bikini Abs in No Time!

5 #DietHacks for Bikini Abs in No Time!

1.  SNACK at this "Magic Hour" Try eating a snack that contains PROTEIN between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Go for a protein shake or bar, a piece of low-fat cheese like string cheese, or some almonds paired with an organic apple. No matter what, do not miss that snack. It's important because it boosts metabolism and balances blood sugar. The more stable throughout the day you keep your blood sugar, the lower you keep your insulin levels, and excess insulin makes you store fat around your middle. Additionally, eating every three to four hours (small meal or snack) will keep your blood sugar even, but many people tend to go five or six hours between lunch and dinner without eating. 2.  Shake on the NATURAL SEA SALT Use natural sea salt or kosher salt,…
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