#modelseatcookies . . . WHAT?!

#modelseatcookies . . . WHAT?!

Up + Coming SuperModel TAYLOR M.  - on location in MEXICO shooting for top fashion magazine ANDREA. Munching on her PUSH PROTEIN PEANUT BUTTER COOKIE.   "I ABSOLUTELY LOVE these peanut butter cookies - OMG they are SOOO GOOD!  I definitely snack on them while I'm on location all day long.  Of course they're so good I want to eat like 20 at once lol, but I use them to keep my abs looking good + photoshoot ready.  The protein 26 shakes are amazing too - can't live without my butterfinger :)  THANKS!!"   [gallery type="columns" size="medium" ids="2066,2062,2063,2064,2071,2072"]
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