WHAT…Eat Cheese, Steak + Beef Jerky to BOOST your Metabolism

WHAT…Eat Cheese, Steak + Beef Jerky to BOOST your Metabolism

YES IT'S TRUE!!  These foods that many people consider "BAD" or "OFF LIMITS" when trying to watch your weight can actually be BENEFICIAL to keeping your waistline trim.  Your taste buds will be so happy too! Cheese You will read conflicting views on the consumption of cheese and other dairy products, but studies show that cheese and the butyric acid it contains, has been linked to reduced hunger levels, reduced incidences of obesity and increased metabolic rate. Consuming natural cheese with whole-grain bread has been shown to yield better metabolic results as compared to consuming processed cheese with white bread. Beef Jerky Beef jerky can be good for you and it can even boost your metabolism, provided it’s not loaded with excess sugar and sodium. You may want to avoid…
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