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Becca, an interior designer, had struggled with her weight fluctuating throughout her college years, but when the stress and time constraints from her career caused her weight to go up and STAY UP, she knew she needed to make some changes that would work with the demands of her busy professional lifestyle.
Having been active throughout high school as a soccer player and cheerleader, Becca was used to exercising as a part of her sports to keep her weight under control. During college her weight was up and down like a roller coaster, as she turned to crash diets to lose weight, only to balloon up even more than before.
After landing a great job with an interior design firm post-college, Becca attempted to take on healthier habits, like eating salads for lunch and running on the weekends. Although she felt a little better, the weight just wasn’t coming off, and was causing old knee injuries to flair up.
So Becca tried the 2 Day JUMPSTART SPEEDLOSS Cleanse and was very happy when she lost 11 lbs on the scale and 2 jean sizes! Not only did this motivate her to continue with her weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes, but losing the weight made her knees feel so much better, so she could start exercising more!
Over the next 2 months, Becca used the PROTEIN 26 Shakes and PUSH Protein Baked Goods as snacks and meal replacements to lose another 24 lbs and reach her weight loss goal.
“The protein shakes and protein baked goods made it so easy for me to stick with a healthy diet. Before I would be working long hours at the office and just end up eating whatever food was catered in or go to a restaurant and just eat till I was stuffed because I was so hungry at that point. The atomic chocolate shakes are my favorite, and keep me from eating the chocolate candies and sweets in our break room!”
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: running 5ks + 1/2 marathons
FAVORITE “CHEAT MEAL” FOOD: pasta…with bread…and wine!
BEST PART OF LOSING WEIGHT: feeling confident in my body + clothes again!!